Taco, Taco, Taco

(1)Making tacos is a very cultural thing for most, so having no meat in the tacos was sort of odd. But I was open to making mine because it was the closest thing we had to beef or meat. my taco was the beef less taco recipe and I worked with Angie and Janet. The taco is already cultural as it is but what made it uncultured was changing the recipe instead of using real meat or beef. If our ancestors were to look at this taco most would say that it would be an insult to how they made it and a disgrace of what the taco was supposed to be. But what they would realize is that the tacos we made were just as good and just as satisfying as the regular taco would be. The tacos we made were different but it was a good different. It is very important to have to taste the culture as a customer without that right taste it can ruin not only the appetite of the customer but also the businesses reputation and the culture as a whole. A lot of students were skeptical about trying the plant-based tacos but they ended up liking them. All factors go into attracting a customer but for our product we would most likely receive the type of people that would be willing to try something new.

(2)The masa/tortilla process was something new for me, but it really shed light of the process it takes to make these home-made tortillas. Over night we ended up accidentally freezing the masa but we worked with what we had and made them work. The masa wasn’t too difficult to get back into regular form to be able to shape into tortillas. The tortillas we made didn’t come out perfect or exactly how we wanted but they came out good and we used most of them to our advantage.

(3) The best way is to just make them and be stubborn and . if they come out bad learn from that mistake and make the next one better. It’s all a process you just need to be patient and learn as you make them. They may not be perfect but practice makes progress and that progress will eventually lead to perfection. It’s like riding a bike if you fall off, get right back up and trying it again.

(4)The taco we made was a little fast and wasn’t well thought out but it came out looking nice and a lot better on LightRoom. I plated two tacos and put cabbage on it will some avocado dressing and some salsa. What I like about the taco was of course the topping which complemented the “beef” of the beef-less taco. What I did is sort of incorporate what I saw on everyone else plates’. But what I did differently was the way I drizzled the tacos. I put the avocado dressing on it and put the salsa in side while other put it on the side. I wanted to add spice to mine. I liked everyone’s plate, they were all unique and had their own style to it.

(5)It was fun being able to create the taco. It was fun process for all and everyone enjoyed themselves. It was fast paced but I did like the [pressure I had it was like being a real chef in my own restaurant. It didn’t really bother me at all, I actually felt really relaxed and calm. I’m not the type to be a chef or anything because it isn’t my career field. I find myself on more of the journalism side of things possibly even writing about food. I do work with fast food but I am a hospitably person so I work with people I just bag the food for most. But working in the kitchen is something different that I do like. I really enjoy working in the kitchen and working with my classmates. It gives me the chance to be a lot more social and get to create and have better friendships. This class has been a really great class and I enjoy everything about it.



Health Fair

Our groups booth focused on how stress is a killer to all and we gave the people something to reduce that stress. What we gave out was stress balls. Those stress ball help reduce your stress in multiple ways. Giving you a chance to fidget and squeeze away stress that is possibly built up inside. But they also helped with other situations too. It can also be used for your hands to help prevent or help fix your possible carpel tunnel.

Our group actually got a lot of attention from our peers. Even though most of them just wanted to get their papers signed off they enjoyed being able to make one and have fun making it with us. we discussed with them how important it was to keep stress minimal and to not let it take over us. we made stress balls and had lots of fun with our customers. If this was our own business we would target people through commercials and through possible street-venders talking about how bad stress for the human body. we would start by selling the stress balls for a low price of close to $1 and have deals. Funding will be done by us sales people. The oddly satisfying phase is a among us so I feel like our sales could possibly sky rocket.

The whole health fair was a blast to have. Everyone enjoyed themselves and everyone had a fun time learning. This was all about how to better our health and how to better one another with fun and cool alternatives other than just therapy. Health is a very big issue to the youth of today and it needs to be minimized. To help with your health see others and seek help if needed. Your health is very very crucial to ones life.


Cookie Dough Truffle



1/2 cup of butter

3/4 cup of brown sugar

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

2 1/4 cups of flour

1 can of condensed milk

1/2 cup of chocolate chips

1/2 cup toffee baking bits

1 pound of coating chocolate


Our group participated in making truffles for the valentines day season. We decided to make cookie dough truffles throughout the two day period. But ours didn’t come out as good as we wanted them to be. We struggled trying to get everything together but it was a good experience and our truffles came out way better then we had predicted it would be. we spent the first day making the dough and freezing it the second day we cooked and formed the truffle.

Saving the World one Tamale at a Time

On Wednesday 19th our class participated in a Luncheon for the Oxnard Union High School District employees. It was a two week long process. We first started off creating a Press Release for the media so we can alert the media about our upcoming event. the second week we began the prep for the tamales.

We learned about the positrons of ingredients we need to make the tamales. These tamales were’t like any other tamale though, they were made with less water. You maybe asking “What is a tamale with less water?” To answer it’s a tamales that has ingredients that require less water for agriculture. The day before we made the tamales, it was a two period long process that require a lot of cooperation.

On the day of everyone had a good time serving plates and drinks for the invited guests. It was a great experience that everyone enjoyed. I can’t wait for more events and cooking like this. It was a great time to learn and have fun at the same time.

garden tamale luncheon


Main Course: Spam Musubi

unnamed (1)


Spam 1 lb
White Rice 5 cups
Seaweed wrap 1 packet
Soy sauce 1⁄4 cup
Brown sugar 5 tablespoons
Honey 1 -2 tablespoon
Garlic powder 1⁄4 teaspoon
Ground ginger 1⁄2 teaspoon
Cornstarch 2 tablespoons
Water 1 cup

Recipe Instructions:

Step 1: put pan on stove top at high heat

Step 2: add water

Step 3: add soy sauce

Step 4: add brown sugar

Step 5: add honey

Step 6: add garlic and ginger powder

Step 7: add cornstarch

Step 8: stir ingredients until consistency is caramelized

Step 9: cook spam

Step 10: spread teriyaki sauce on spam

Step 11: wrap with rice with Nori seaweed wrap

Step 12: serve

My team and I made Spam Musubi for the first time and it came out very well for a couple of first time cooks. We made everything scratch except for the spam. It was a two day process to get everything in order and it was all under control.  The Spam Musubi came out very good and edible. looking forward to making more dishes in the foreseeable future.

Spam Musubi Creation Video

Beautiful Bruschetta

On Nov 2nd My classmates and I participated in making a delightful Bruschetta !


  • 2 lbs. fresh tomatoes
  • 1/2 fresh onion
  • 4 cloves fresh garlic
  • 1 bunch fresh basil
  • 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • sea salt and fresh ground pepper
  • Italian bread or baguette

Recipe Instructions:

Step 1: Dice the tomatoes

Step 2: Chop onion and add to tomatoes

Step 3: Chop garlic and add to onion and tomatoes

Step 4: Add in fresh Basil

Step 5: Add olive oil, salt, and pepper

Step 6: Toast the bread

Step 7: Serve

After bruchetta pic on lightroombruchetta1.JPG